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Computerized Assessment of Postural Stability (CAPS) 

Computerized Assessment of Postural Stability (CAPS) or balance assessment is a type of assessment used to evaluate an individual's ability to maintain balance while standing or performing various tasks.


CAPS involves the use of computerized technology to provide an objective measurement of postural stability, which can help healthcare professionals identify balance deficits and develop appropriate treatment plans.


During a CAPS assessment, the individual typically stands on a force plate while wearing a harness for safety. The force plate measures the distribution of weight and the movements of the body, while the harness provides support to prevent falls. The individual will be asked to stand still with eyes open and closed, or to perform tasks such as leaning forward or backward.


The computer software tracks the movements and forces exerted on the force plate, providing a detailed analysis of postural stability. The analysis includes metrics such as center of pressure (COP) displacement, which measures the movement of the body's center of mass over the base of support, and sway area, which measures the overall movement of the body.


The results of a CAPS assessment can help healthcare professionals identify balance deficits and develop individualized treatment plans. Treatment may involve exercises to improve strength and coordination, as well as strategies to improve balance and reduce the risk of falls.

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